Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Old Post......Let Go, by Fenelon

Someone recently Googled a phrase that lead them to my old blog. However, the link it lead them to was broken because I had erased the old post when I was creating my new blog. I am re posting for that purpose. Fenelon's a good read... so here goes.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Let Go, by Fenelon

I have been reading and rereading the following letter. I was blessed by how directly it fit with the discussion and sharing that the ladies and Jeff had during Monday night. I have a few comments about it all, but will hold off for now. I won't claim to understand everything he says in this letter, but was definitely encouraged and blessed by it as a whole.

Letter 33
The Will of God Our Only Treasure

My desire is that you might have an absolutely settled surrender to the Lord Jesus- a surrender which does not size itself up as being "pretty good"- a surrender which is complete, with nothing held back, no matter how dear it might be. If you have such a surrender as this, you will not deceive yourself. But if you have secret reservations, you are not only deceiving yourself, you are leaving yourself open to deception by the devil.

Also, you must determine to be just as humble and simple when you are out in society as you are in your own prayer closet. Never do anything just because it seems logical, or because it's what you like to do. Whatever you do must be done under submission to the Spirit of life and death (I call Him that because He is the spirit of death to self, and life in God.) Be very careful about great enthusiasm, for even this must be under the control of the Holy Spirit. And when you are tempted to doubt, be careful about searching for certainty within. You have no certainty except in God! Be careful also about looking forward to better things. Even if the present is bitter, yet it is enough for us if it is the will of God. His will is our only treasure. If self is sad because of the present circumstances, do not seek to compensate it by the prospect of the future! We deserve to meet with disappointment when we pamper ourselves like this. Let us accept everything God sends in humility of mind, never asking questions, and always dealing sternly with self. Let God do His work in you, and concentrate on living a selfless life in each and every moment, as thought each moment was the whole of eternity.

Maria's thoughts:
May we truly humble ourselves to the Lord by taking His will and surrendering ours. I am wondering if that is true humility.
posted by hoesayfina @ 9:58 AM



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